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Manufacturer of full-color LED screens, LED displays and LED signs    

The first full-color video LED screen in Stavropol

One more city on the map of our installations - Stavropol. This is an important historical and cultural center of the Southern region of Russia and Northern Caucases. Stavropol played an important role in spreading the influence of the Russian culture in the South frontier regions: the first Russian drama theatre, the first Russian-language newspaper "Stavropol News", the first public library and the first historical museum etc.

Today Stavropol is a growing industrial city with specialization on machine-building, chemistry, food industry and electronics. Being an important and vibrant city, Stavropol has a lot of outdoor advertising, mostly traditional billboards. The city needs high-tech advertising carriers, and our company made the first contribution by installing a modern LED video screen on the facade of a large building, Kulakova street, 17A.

LED screen parameters:
  • Pixel pitch - 22 mm
  • LED screen resolution - 256 x 192 pixels (physical resolution)
  • Image area dimensions - 5.63 x 4.22 meters
The first full-color video LED screen in Stavropol The first full-color video LED screen in Stavropol
The first full-color video LED screen in Stavropol
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Calls are made within an hour, from 11.00 - 20.00 Moscow time. Sat - Sun. - day off.
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