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Manufacturer of full-color LED screens, LED displays and LED signs    

Full-color LED signs over the entrance to El-Patio restaurant

The Pushkin Square in Moscow is a well-known place. It's the real "heart" of Moscow beating with never-stopping rhythm. Now, there is a new beautiful two-sided video LED sign that added to multi-color decoration of the place.

"ATV Outdoor Systems" completed this new project and assembled the full-color LED signs over the entrance to El-Patio restaurant. The project was a rather complex one because the signs had to synchronized with decorative light columns specially designed by "ATV Outdoor Systems" for the customer.

The light columns change color depending on the type of video commercials displayed on video LED signs. The synchronization was done using DMX-512 protocol. As a result, the restaurant is bathed in light and looks most attractive.

LED signs parameters:
  • Pixel pitch - 19 mm
  • LED screen resolution – 208 x 144 pixels (physical resolution)
  • Image area dimensions – 3.95 x 2.74 meters
Full-color LED signs over the entrance to El-Patio restaurant Full-color LED signs over the entrance to El-Patio restaurant
Full-color LED signs over the entrance to El-Patio restaurant Full-color LED signs over the entrance to El-Patio restaurant
Full-color LED signs over the entrance to El-Patio restaurant
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