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Manufacturer of full-color LED screens, LED displays and LED signs    

A unique LED structure is installed in Tjumen

A unique LED structure is installed in Tjumen with the help of “ATV Outdoor Systems”. On a busy Melinikajte street (downtown Tjumen), a media carrier made of three LED screens was commissioned. There are no similar structures in Russia yet. Tjumen city has several LED displays already; the first one appeared back in 2000.

The design for this unusual structure is unique and innovative. Once the owner completes the project, the support structure for the LED screens will be illuminated by neon lights, making it look even more festive in the evening. The “ATV Outdoor Systems” specialists worked closely with our customer in designing the structure as well as advertising LED screens. This installation is one of the proud moments in our history.

LED screens parameters:
  • Pixel pitch - 30 mm
  • LED screen resolution – 288 x 192 pixels (physical resolution)
  • Image area dimensions – 8.64 x 5.76 meters
A unique structure with three LED screens in Tjumen A unique structure with three LED screens in Tjumen
A unique structure with three LED screens in Tjumen A unique structure with three LED screens in Tjumen
A unique structure with three LED screens in Tjumen A unique structure with three LED screens in Tjumen
A unique structure with three LED screens in Tjumen
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