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Manufacturer of full-color LED screens, LED displays and LED signs    

Full-color video LED sign in Krasnodar

We like challenges. We succeed in overcoming problems! Difficult projects is what we accomplish successfully on a regular basis. One more non-standard structure has just been commissioned in Krasnodar (South of Russia). This is a 19 mm video LED sign – a new product in our constantly revised product range. “ATV Outdoor Systems” specializes on large outdoor LED structures.

But the market needs different advertising carriers, including small ones. The problem is to create a structure that would be small (something needed to every small business in town: cafe, club, restaurant etc.) and have sufficient resolution for the purposes of it’s owner. So, the video LED signs are coming into fashion. Cheers to Krasnodar!

LED sign parameters:
  • Pixel pitch - 19 mm
  • LED sign resolution – 112 x 80 pixels (physical resolution)
  • Image area dimensions – 2.13 x 1.52 meters
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