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Manufacturer of full-color LED screens, LED displays and LED signs    

The first LED screen by ATV Outdoor Systems in the center of Abakan

We wrote many times about installations of first LED screens in any cities and that the first screen in a city was manufactured by ATV Outdoor Systems. In different parts of the country people decides to make business in outdoor video market and tries to find the company which can provide them with high-quality video LED screen. For this they compare price lists and LED screen’s specifications, background and experience of a manufacturer, feedbacks from the customers etc. And, from past experience, majority of companies choose ATV Outdoor Systems as the manufacturer of their first LED screen in city.

In July right in the center of Abakan (the republic of Khakasia), on Schetinkin street, a LED screen was installed. It is really successful location since near the screen there are: Government of Khakassia, the State University of Khakassia, administration of Abakan and scores of shops. The LED screen has a perfect resolution (pixel pitch – 22 mm) and it stimulated the interest of local citizens. And we must mention once again that it is the first LED screen in Khakasia and it is installed by our company.

LED screen parameters:
  • Pixel pitch - 22 mm
  • LED screen resolution – 224 x 192 pixels (physical resolution)
  • Image area dimensions – 4.93 x 4.17 meters
The first LED screen by ATV Outdoor Systems in the center of Abakan The first LED screen by ATV Outdoor Systems in the center of Abakan
The first LED screen by ATV Outdoor Systems in the center of Abakan
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