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Manufacturer of full-color LED screens, LED displays and LED signs    

 "ATV Outdoor Systems" takes part in the exhibition "Reklama-2005" in Moscow

It's the second time that "ATV Outdoor Systems" participates in the largest Russian specialized exhibition dedicated to outdoor advertising. This time, "Reklama 2005" was held during the busiest exhibition period in Moscow, 31 October - 4th November.

This year we focused visitors' attention on full-color video LED sign based on SMD LEDs, and also promoted our new company policy on improving LED screen parameters.

Full-color video LED screens and sign at the exhibition Full-color video LED screens and sign at the exhibition
Full-color video LED screens and sign at the exhibition
SMD-screens and signs are becoming more and more attractive to buyers. LED screens based on this new technology provide an extremely high quality of video image. The fact that parameters of SMD LEDs are being constantly upgraded makes it possible to start using them for outdoor applications.

For the exhibition we constructed a minimalistic sign with 0,768 x 1,28 m size, and resolution of 96 x 160 pixels. The pixel pitch was chosen as the optimal 8 mm. Though small in size the sign drew a lot of attention by high quality and brightness of broadcasted image. At present, SMD screens remain rather high in price. However, it is obvious that future high quality outdoor screens will be based on this SMD technology.

Several other manufacturers and suppliers displayed screens at the exhibition. However, the main advantage of "ATV Outdoor Systems" were the perfect colors and well-adjusted white balance. For quite some time our engineers were concerned with image quality, and the result is obvious on our screens.

New conceptual solutions and engineering designs were demonstrated on another screen presented by "ATV Outdoor Systems" - a section of an LED screen with 2,4 x 1,8 meter size. Our efforts are justified by the fact that customers and buyers are paying increasing attention to color quality. Quality and accuracy of colors frequently becomes a decisive factor in buying a screen. It seems that LED screens and signs made by "ATV Outdoor Systems" fully correspond to market requirements!
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