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Manufacturer of full-color LED screens, LED displays and LED signs    

 Participation in the exhibition "Advertising-2004", Moscow

A new product of ATV specialists "intelligent cluster" - was exhibited by "ATV Outdoor Systems" at the exhibition "Advertising- 2004" that took place in the largest Moscow exhibition hall "Expocenter". The new product was presented by both ATV engineers and specialists of "CityVision" Advertising Group who will use it for outdoor advertising.

The new product consists of LED elements and an in-built control system that allows to get 16.5 mln colors on any single cluster. The cluster may operate according to standard programmed modes and allows adjustment to any number of visual advertising effects with the help of specialized software developed at "ATV Outdoor Systems".

Specially for the exhibition a circular structure was manufactured that allows installation of LED modules in a circle. From now on, we can offer to our clients not only flat video LED screens but screens built with a curve.

The displayed products were the center of attention at the exhibition. As a result, during the exhibition, specialists of our company signed a contract for the supply of an LED video screen to one of the cities of Russia.

ATV's booth at the exhibition Circular structure full-color LED screen
ATV's booth at the exhibition Circular structure full-color LED screen
Intelligent cluster Circular structure full-color LED screen
"Intelligent cluster" Circular structure full-color LED screen
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